Saturday, October 10, 2015

Plum Wine

*Not actually wine.

1 pound of plums, pitted
1 Tbls. honey
1 1/2 to 2 cups water

Cook the plums and honey over medium heat, stirring, until the plums are dark, the honey is melted, and the plums have only started to get mushy.

Put the plums in a blender. Use 1/2 cup water to deglaze the pan and add that to the blender. Blend until liquefied. Strain the liquid into a bowl or pitcher through a cloth bag, You have to really squeeze out as much juice as possible--it will be thick--and remaining in the bag will basically be plum mush.

Dilute the juice with about 1 1/2 cups water. At this point it is still somewhat thick, but it has a strong, sweet flavor. Adding more water to change the consistency, even just a little like 1/2 cup, will lessen the flavor, more than I like, but you can do it to taste.

*First time I made this I added a tiny bit of vinegar, like 1-2 tsp., to try to give it a winey, fermented taste. But I don't know what wine actually tastes like, and I really disliked the flavor the vinegar created,so I've left it out here.

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