Sunday, September 9, 2012


Here are some foods mentioned in the books, that don't really need a recipe written for them.

Basic snacks:
Apple and cheese
Barley toast spread with honey
Cinnamon toast
Dried fruits
Gooseberries and cream
Grapes and almonds - In Marlfox, these are wild, seeded grapes
Mixed fruits with honey
Nuts and berries
Oatcakes and cheese toasted together
Strawberries coated in honey
Toasted apples and cheese (roasted over a fire in Rakkety Tam)
Traveling fruit (I didn't write context for this, so maybe it's fruit you take with you traveling, or fruit you pick up while traveling.)
Lots of fruits are eaten off-hand like pears, apples, and berries.

Fresh cream
Maple syrup
Pouring cream (in US, single cream or half-and-half come closest)
Whipped cream

Jams and jellies: (I mention here the kind I've been able to buy at stores)
Blackberry jelly
Blackcurrant jam
Cherry preserve
Gooseberry jam
Raspberry preserve
Redcurrant jelly
Strawberry jam
Quince jam

Cheese: (again, the kinds available commercially, but you can make your own if desired)
Cheddar cheese
Goatsmilk cheese
White cheese
Yellow cheese


  1. My first thought when I read travelling fruit is something along the lines of dried fruit trail mix. Stuff that packs well and lasts a long time without spoiling.
