Monday, September 29, 2008

Carrot, Turnip, Pea and Leek Stew

2 large carrots
1 turnip
3 cups peas
2 leeks
2 small potatoes
1/4 onion
3 Tbls. oil
1/2 cup whole wheat flour
About 6 cups vegetable stock

Chop the carrots, turnip, leeks (using the white part), and potatoes.

Coarsely mince the onion and sautee it in the oil. Add the flour in fourths, alternating with some of the vegetable stock.

With the rest of the stock, simmer the turnip. When those are softer, add the onion mixture, and the carrots, and potatoes. Let simmer for a bit, then add the leeks, and parsley, basil, pepper, and nutmeg to taste. Let simmer until the turnips and potatoes are done. Remove from heat, then add the peas.

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