Monday, September 29, 2008

Shrimp Vegetable Soup

The idea was to make this tenuous and loose, more in the Redwall style than having a strict recipe. This one is mentioned in Pearls of Lutra and all it said was to have carrots, mushrooms, other vegetables, watershrimp, herbs and hotroot. So that's exactly what I did. The only change is that I used vegetable stock instead of water. I can't imagine veg stock being feasible when you're traveling around defeating pirates.

For the record, as my "other vegetables" I used onion, radish, turnip, beet, barley and potato. For my herbs I used parsley, dill, basil, lavender and nutmeg.

Also, just as a general note, if you're using turnips be sure to chop them up really small because they take forever to cook.

2 large carrots, chopped (or about 3 cups)
2 cups chopped mushrooms
4 cups other vegetables, chopped (Whatever you have on hand)
Vegetable stock (a lot)
2 cups shrimp
Herbs (whatever you have and want to use)
Hotroot (cayenne pepper and black pepper)

Simmer vegetable stock and vegetables about 10 minutes. Add herbs to taste, and continue simmering until all vegetables are tender. Meanwhile, prepare the shrimp however necessary (taking out veins, shells, tails, etc.). Add hotroot to taste and shrimp, cook until shrimp is done.

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